Pressure Points😊
The Pressure Points Covered In This Chapter are the main points Used By the martial in karate.
1.lung Meridian.
2.pericardium Meridian.
3.The hart Meridian.
4.The small intestine Meridian.
5.The Large Intestine Meridian.
6.The Spleen Meridian.
7.The Liver Meridian.
8.The Kidney Meridian.
9.The Stomach Meridian.
- The Pressure Points Covere in this Chapter is The Main Points Used By the martial artist. Included are the original Thirty six points contained within the ancient text ,the budishi , and added to these are many other points,selected because of their ease of use, their effectiveness, and because they are spread over wide area of the body. The Chapter Close with a selection of other target areas, which,while not specifically pressure points,are praticularly effective.
- Within this chapter ,107 target ares are covered. this list is not exhaustive, how ever, and one has only to look at an acupuncture chart to see how many potential pressure points there are on the human body. therefore with further study, others can be located and added to those covered here. A word of caution though : a number of the acupuncture points are located deep within the body,some of these having only limited use, and others none at all from the martial arts perspective.
- It will soon Become Apparent That it is not practicable, nor is it necessary, to know about all the available pressure points. a thorough knowledge of the points covered in capter 8, with the applications, will provide a wide range of attack and counter-attack options. it is also the case that with regular practice,points selections will become personal: that is, pressure points favoured by one person are not necessarily the favourites of someone else. body mechanics, strength and flexibility are all infliencing factors when deciding wisch points you personally will focous on. master of the indian art of marma-adi and most chines masters,agree that there are 108 major pressure points.within the bubishi the number is narowed down even further to thirty-six.
1.The Lung Meridian.
- The Lung Meridian ( LU ) is a yin meridian that has eleven bibilaterial points ( fig 30 ).it has a descending flow of energy running from the chest ( LU 1 ) to the tip of the thumb ( LU11 ).The lung meridian is associated with the element metal, and its linked yang meridian is the large intestine, pericardium and triple warmer meridians, but precedes the gallbladder and liver meridians.
The Lung Points.
LU 1 ( Zongfu - gentral residence )
- Located On either Side Of the chest Just Below clavicle ,approxmately 5cm (2in) across from the inner edge of the shoulder joints.
Direction of strike : Straight In and either upwards or downwards in direction.
note : this is mu( alarm points ) for the lung meridian.
LU 3 ( Tianfu - heaven's residense )
- Located at the upper edge of the bicep muscle,just below where it is joined by the deltoid muscle ( fig 31 ). This is one of the Thirty-six points mentioned in the bubishi.
Direction of strike : Straight in from the out side of the arm.
LU 5 ( chize - cubitMarsh )
- Located just below the crease of the elbow on the inside of the forearm ( fig 31 ).
Note : Strike to the inside of the forearm in this region are often referred to as LU5 , But there are two extra points descending down the forearm from LU 5 that are in fact the ones used in most applications. These are referred to as M- UE 31 and M- UE32.
Direction of strike : The direction of strike is in to the forearm with a slight downward angle towards the wrist. The Returning Hand Movement 'Hikite ' , found within a number of kata , follows the correct striking pattern for the points.
LU 6 ( Kong Zui - supreme Hole )
- Located at the centre of the outside edge( thumb side ) of the forearm This is Where The muscle of the forearm connects to the radius ( fig 31 ).
Direction Of Strike ; This point should Be struck at an angle down along bone of the arm Towards the wrist . When hit Correctly it will send a shock, similar to an electric shock,shooting down the arm.
LU 7 ( Lieque - Broken Sequence )
- Located on the top edge of the radius bone about 2.5 cm ( lin ) from The crease of the wrist ( fig 31 ).
Direction of strike : This Point should Be struck at an angle downwards, along the bone of the arm towards the wrist.As Wellas a sttriking point, LU 7 is used in wrist holds. If struck Firmly, or When Pressure Is Applied to it correctly, it will weaken the gripping Power of the Hand.
LU 8 ( Jingqe - across the ditch ).
- Located Approximately 2 cm ( 3/4 INCH ) From The crease of the wrist on the edge of the bone ( fig 31 ). This is one of the thirty -six points mentioned in the bubishi.
Direction of the strike : This points should be struck in the same way as LU 7 , at an angle ,Downwards , along the bone of the arm towards the wrist. LU 8 is also used in wrist holds. If struck firmly or when pressue is applied to it correctly, it will weaken the gripping Power of the Hand.
1.The Pericardium Meridian
The Pericardium meridian (pc) is a yin meridian that has nine bilateral points.It has a descending flow of energy running from the chest (pc 1 ) to the tip of the second finger ( pc 9 ) ( fig 32 ). the pericardium meridian is associated with the element fire, and its linked yang meridian is the triple the cycle of destrucation the pericardium follows the bladder and kidney,but precedes the lung and large intestine meridians.
The Pericardium Points
PC 6 ( Neigwan- inner gate)
- Located Approximately 6cm ( 2.4in ) from the crease of the wrist, directly in the centre of the inside forearm ( fig 33 ).
Direction of strike : This Points is suitable for pressing , and should be pressed in and towards the wrist.
2.The Heart Meridian
The Heart meridian 9 (HT) is ayin Meridian that has a descending flow of energy running from chest ( HT 1) to the tip of the little finger ( HT 9) ( fig 34 ). the heart Meridian is associated with the element fire,and its linked yang meridian is the small intestine. in the cycle of destruction the heart meridian follows the bladder and kidney,but precedes the lung and large intestine meridians.
The Heart Meridian.
HT 1 ( jiquan- summit's spring )
This points is located on the side of the chest in the arimpit ( fig 36 ).It is one of the thirty six oints mentioned in the bubishi.
Although it is difficult to gain acess to this point it is one of the more dangerous places to strike.It is said that a powerful strike can stop the heart.
HT 1 ( Jiquan - summit' s spring )
This Points is Located on The side of the chest in the arimpit ( fig 36). It is one of the thirty-six points mentioned in the bubishi.
Although it is difficult to gain access to this point it is one of the more dangerous places to is said that a powerful strike can stop the heart.
Direction of strike : Straight in From The side ,but the arm needs to be in a raised position to open up the point. A strike to HT2 as a preliminary Move May lift the arm sufficiently to gain access.
HT2 ( Qingling - Youthful spring )
Located on the Inside of the upper arm just above the elbow ( Fig 35 ).
Direction of strike : This Should be struck Inwards In an almost straight line. It Can be varied by taking a slightly downward or upward direction. as well as a striking point, this is a good control point in grappling situations.
HT 3 ( Shaohai - Lesser Sea )
Located On the Inside OF the Upper Arm just Above the knobbly Protrusion Of The humerus, on the same line as HT 2 ( fig 35 )
Direction Of Strike : Straight In to the arm. this point is better used in grappling situations, and responds well to beign squeezed.
HT 4 ( Lingdo - Spirit' s Path )
Located approximately 3cm ( lin ) up from the crease of the wrist on the inside of the forearm ( fig 35 ). Used Primarily for wrist grabs ,together with points on the lung ,large intestine and small intestine meridians.
wrist HT 5 ( Tongli - Reachine the Measure )
Located Approximately 1.5 cm up from the crease of the wrist on the inside forearm ,little finger side ( FIG 35 ).This is one of the thirty- six points mentioned in the bubishi.
Used Primarily For Wrist Grabs ,Together with points on the lung , large intestine and small intestine meridians.
HT 6 ( yinxi - yin Accumulation)
Located Approximately 1cm up from the crease of the wrist on the inside forearm, little finger side ( fig 35 ).
used primarily for wrist grabs,together with points on the lung,large intestine and small intestine meridian.
The Small Intestine Meridian.
The small Intestine meridian ( si ) is a yang meridian that has nineteen bilateral points it has an ascending flow of energy running from the back of the little finger ( SI 1 ) to the head ( SI 19 ) ( fig 37) . The small intestine meridian is associated with the element fire , and its linked yin meridian is the Hart. In the cycle of destruction the small intestine meridian follows the bladder and kidney ,but precedes the lung and large intestine meridians.
The Small Intestine Points
S16 ( Yanglao - Nourishing the old )
Located on the back of the wrist directly behind the bony knob of the wrist ( the head of the ulna ) on the small finger side ( FIG 38 )
Direction of strike : This Point is used Mainly during wrist grabs.
SI14 ( fiannwaishu - shoulder's outer Hollow )
Located on the back of the body between the frist and secound rib ,and adjacent to the inner edge of the scapula ( FIG 38 ) .
Direction of strike: Straight Down On to the Shoulder.
S16 ( Tianchuang -Haven's Window ).
Located directly at the centre of the neck in a straight line down from the ear lobe ( FIG 39 ). This is one of the thirty-six points referred to in the bubishi
Direction of strike: Straight in from he side towards the centre of the neck. An ideal Technique for striking this points is knife hand strike ( shuto ) or the outside of the forearm.
SI18 ( quanliao-cheek seam ).
Located Just Below the cheekbone in a line directly down from the outer edge of the eye ( FIG 39 ) A very important from the maritial arts perspective, and is used in many applications.
Direction of strike: This Is One Of The more dangerous points on the face, and care mustbe taken when practising here,it is not advisable to strike this point . The direction of the strike houlad be in and up towards the centre of the forehead.pressure can also be applied to this point when a less severe defensive response is required.
Triple Warmer Meridian
The Triple Warmer Meridian ( TW ) is a Yang Meridian That has twenty-tree bilateral points .It Has an ascending flow of energy running from the back of the ring Finger ( TW 1 ) to head ( TW 23 ) ( FIG 40 ).The triple warmer meridian is associated with the element fire ,and it s linked yin meridian is the pericardium. In the Cycle Of destruction the triple warmer meridian follows the bladder and kidney , but precedesthe lung and large intestine meridians.
The Triple Warmer Points
The Triple warmer meridian ( TW ) Is yang meridian that has twenty tree bilateral points it has an ascending flow of energy running from the back of the ring finger ( Tw 1 ) to the head ( TW 23 ) ( FIG 40 )The triple warmer meridian is associated with the element fire, and its linked yin meridian fllows the bladder and kidney,but precedes he lung and large intestine meridians.
The Triple Warmer Points
TW 2 ( Yemen -ffluid's door )
Located on the back of the hand ,in the web between the little finger and ring finger ( FIG 41 ).This is one of the thirty-six points mentioned in the bubishi.
Direction of strike : This is a squeeze point used more in grappling type situations.
TW 11 ( Qinglengyaum-cooling gulf )
This Point is not an effective plase to strike,but responds extremely well to rubbing, It is praticularly effective when combined with an arm bar locking technique of the elbow joint. The poin is located on the golgi tendon organ of the triceps muscle ( FIG 41 ).
A golgi tendon organ is a receptor located in the tendons that connects the muscle to the bone .Its Primary Purpoise is to monitor and collect information about the level of tension in the tendon and its associated muscle. by rubbing this point on the arm the golgi tendon organ is artificially stimulated, causing the muscle to involuntrarily relax -hence its usefulness from the martial arts perspective.
Direction of strike : This Point Responds to rubbing rather than striking. rub directly in to thre point with a slight downward action towards the wrist to enhance the effect.The rubbing action can be performed with either the back knuckles or the hard bony part of the back of the wrist both methods are demonstrated.
TW 12 ( Xiaoluo- Melting luo river )
Located Directly in the centre of the triceps muscle on the back of the upper arm ( FIG 41 )
Direction of Strike : Directly in, and in a slightly upward direction.This is an ideal Plase to attack with a gedan barai ( Down ward block ) that not only activates the point,but works against the elbow joint.A hard Strike while simultaneously applying a wrist hold will cause the person to drop to the floor. A Consequential effect will be damage to the elbow joint.
TW 17 ( Yifeng - Wind Screen )
This Point is Located in the depression directly behind the ear lobe ( FIG 42 ). This is probably one the most dangerous pressure points, and should never be struck in practice as brain damage can result.This is one of the vital points mentioned in the book of forensic meridian hsi yuan lu written for coroners by sung Tzu in ad 1247. t his is also one of the thirty-six points that are referred to within the bubishi . It is a very Important point from the martial arts perspective,and is used in many applications.
Direction of strike: This Point can be struck in two direction : in towards the centre of the head.secondly,and more dangerously, from back to front and in slightly.
TW 23 ( Sizhukong- silken bamboo hollow )
This is basically the temple loacated at either side of the head ( FIG 42 )
Direction of strike : Straight in and/or slightly down.
Note : The temple is avery dangerous place to strike.
The Large Intestine Meridian
The Large intestine meridian ( LI ) is a yang meridian that has twenty bilateral points.It has an ascending flow of energy running from the tip of the index finger (LI 1) to the head ( LI 20) ( FIG 43 ) .The large intestine meridian is associated with the element metal,and its linked yin meridian is the lung.In the cycle of destructio the large intestine meridian, follows the heart ,small intestine, pericardium and triple warmer meridians, but precedes the gallbladder and liver meridians.
The Large Intestine Points.
LI4 ( Hegu-Adjoining valleys )
Located directly between thumb and fore finger ( FIG 44).
Direction of strike : The most effective method of attacking this point is by pressing.It can be effectively used in conjunction with wristlocks.This is one of the thirty-six points mentioned in the bubishi.
LI 10 ( Shousanli-arm's three measure )
Located on the outside ( back ) of the forearm on the thumb side approximately 2.5 cm from the crease of the elbow ( FIG 44 ) this is one of the thirty-six points mentioned in the bubishi.
Direction of strike : This Point can be used for both strikes and pressing. when striking,the direction should be in and down towards the bone for pressing the method of attack should be in and slightly directed towards the outside of the forearm.
LI 12 ( Zhoulio-elbow's seam )
Above elbow on the outside of the upper arm ( Squeeze point ) ( FIG 44 )
Direction of strike : This point can be struck, but is more frequently used for control purposes using a pressing action.The direction of application is straight in from the outside of the arm.
LI 13 ( Shouwuli - five measures on the arm )
Located Approximately 4 cm above the crease of the elbow on the outside of the lateral border of the bicep muscle ( FIG 44 )
Direction of strike : Straight in to the outside of the upper arm this can also be used as a squeeze point for control purposes.
LI 14 ( Binao - arm and scapula )
Located at the point where the deltoid muscle meets the top of the bicep ( FIG 44 ).
Direction of strike : Directly in with a slight outward direction.
LI 17 ( Tianding - Haven's vessel )
Located on the front lower neck in a direct line down from the mandible (FIGS 45 & 46 ). This is one of the thirty-six points mentioned in the bubishi.
Direction of strike : This should be struke in a downward direction, in towards the centre of the neck. it can also be used by applying pressure as a method of control.
LI 18 ( Futu-support the prominence )
Located in the centre of the neck in a straight line down,and slightly forward from the ear lobe ( FIG 45 & 46 )
Directioin of strike : In a straight line towards the same point on the opposite side of the neck.
( FIG 45 )
( FIG 46 )
The Spleen Meridian.
The Spleen Meriian ( SP ) is a yin meridian that has twenty one bilateral points. It has an ascending flow of energy running from the big toe ( SPI ) to the top of the chest ( SP21 ) ( FIG 47 ). The Spleen Meridian is associated with the element earth,and its linked yang meridian is the the cycle of destruction the spleen meridian follows the gallbladder and liver,but precedes the bladder and kidney meridians.
The spleen Points
SP 6 ( Sanyinjiao- three yin function )
This point is located on the inside of the lower leg approximately 5 cm up from the anklebone ( fig 48 ) .It is situated in the centre of the leg and over the bone,which means it is not afforded any muscular protections.this is one of the better targets on the legs because a kick or strike to this area will be painful even without aa direct hit on the point .an ideal application is ashi barai ( lower leg sweep )
Direction of strike : Directly inward with a slight downward angle.
SP 10 ( xuehai )
Located just inside the upper leg above the knee ( FIG 48 ). A Strike here will send a shock straight through the body and drop the person to the floor.Kicks using the ball of the foot or heel can be used to good effects here.
Direction of strike : Straight in towards the centre of the leg with n angle slightly to front.
SP 17 ( Shidou-food cavity )
Located approximately 2.5 cm below and 2.5 cm to the outside of the nipple. ( FIG 49 ) .
Direction of strike : from the outside to the centre of the body.
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